Friday, April 17, 2009

Matter of fact - XI

Time is like a rural Indian wife; no matter how much you abuse her, she offers herself to you silently, ceaselessly and unconditionally.

Philosophical Gyaan - VII

There is always a right time and a right place to start something good..... The time is now, the place is here.

Matter of Fact - X

Commitment without ability often fetches more than ability without commitment (sadly).

Friday, April 3, 2009

Life - preface

The redefining e-novel 'life' is a philosophical attempt at compensating for all the idled-away non-blogged hours of the past 12 weeks and hence, for the lack of compelling torturous epistolaries.

The topic 'life' has been chosen as a smack on the face of the agitators propagating hatred about this blog for the heck of it and on top of that, finding a justifiable cause for their unrest, that being the irrevelance of the posts. So, here is a 'relevant' subject - life. All you esteemed critics out there, try all you want to get away from this one - you can do that only once and won't live to do it again.