Saturday, May 23, 2009

Quote Hanger - IV

There are two types of people on earth.
Type 1: who do not believe in luck and miracles, who believe that they are alone and no one is out there to look after them and that fills them with fear.
Type 2: who believe in luck and miracles, who believe that there is always a higher power somewhere who will protect them in times of danger and that fills them with hope.
- Mel Gibson in 'Signs'
There is one more type:
Type 3: who do not believe in luck and miracles, who believe that they are alone and no one is out there to look after them and that fills them with hope.
- Adarsh Shettigar

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Matter of fact - XIII

There are too many stupid people living on this planet.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Matter of fact - XII

Success is not about never falling, but about getting up every time one falls.

Also, the above sentence is nothing but bucketful of crap, and made up as an excuse by those who were foolish or incompetent (or sometimes unfortunate) enough to fall in the first place.